Matematika Sekolah Dasar Sebuah sepatu dijual dengan harga sebesar Rp 340.000 setelah di diskon. Ternyata diskon tersebut adalah 20% dari harga sebenarnya. Berapa harga sepatu tersebut sebenarnya ? aldacormierulv – May 11, 2023
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Pertama Salah satu dampak jika tanggung jawab di abaikan adalah aldacormierulv – May 11, 2023
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Pertama Saat kita tidak mengikuti rapat maka bagaimana sikap kita terhadap keputusan aldacormierulv – May 11, 2023
IPS Sekolah Menengah Pertama Proyek industri ASEAN yang merupakan pabrik tembaga di Filipina adalah .... aldacormierulv – May 11, 2023
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Pertama Ragi yang digunakan untuk membuat tempa adalah aldacormierulv – May 10, 2023
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Pertama Read the story below and find the meaning of the words listed. the king of the monkeys and the two travelers two men were travelling together through a distant land. they made rather odd travelling companions because one of them was incapable of ever telling the truth and could only tell lie whereas the other could not tell a lie if his life depended on it, but could only ever say the truth as he saw it. they had been travelling for some time, when they came to the land of the monkeys. the king of the monkeys heard that two strangers had arrived in his realm, and he was very keen to impress them with his magnificence and power, so he ordered to have them brought before him he arranged to receive them seated on his throne in his state room, in the middle of his palace, and had a large retinue of courtiers and servants lined up in long rows, both inside the room and along all the passages on the way in as they made their way towards the state room, the travelers were quite nervous, and they bowed when they came before the more the king the king welcomed them heartily, and then asked them they'd ever been in the presence of a mightier king. the traveler who always lied spoke first. "sire, i have travelled all over the world, and never before have i been so impressed by the splendor and might of your court! the king seemed to be quite pleased to hear this, and he asked, "and what do you think of my subjects?" stre, replied the lying traveler, "your subjects must be the most fortunate people i have ever come across in all my extensive travels, fortunate to be ruled by such a splendid and mighty monarch as you are!" the monkey king was delighted with this answer, he clapped his hands and called on his servants to prepare a magnificent feast for this guest, and to ensure that his every need was taken care of. then he turned to the other traveler and asked him the same question. this was of course the traveler who could only tell the truth as he saw it, and he said: "sire, i think you are a fine ape, and all the sub aldacormierulv – May 10, 2023
Fisika Sekolah Menengah Pertama sebuah benda bergerak dengan kelajuan 36 km/jam, kemudian dipercepat hingga kelajuannya mencapai 108 km/jam dalam waktu 5 sekon. hitung jarak tempuh untuk melakukan percepatan tersebut aldacormierulv – April 20, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama menggunakan sifat pembagian e sama f aldacormierulv – April 20, 2023
IPS Sekolah Menengah Atas 2. tulislah nama ibu kota timur leste dan laos 3.tulislah nama nama presiden yang pernah memimpin Indonesia 4.tulislah nama nama negara anggota asean aldacormierulv – April 19, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Atas penyelesaian dari 2x + 4 <40 adalah aldacormierulv – March 09, 2023
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Atas Serealia,kacang kacangan, umbi umbian sayuran, buah buahan dikelompokkan berdasarkan A.fisik B.fisiologi C.gizi D.agronomis E.kimiawi aldacormierulv – March 09, 2023
Biologi Sekolah Dasar Sebutkan 30 buah serta nama buah tempat tumbuhnya musim berbuahnya pliss bantu jawab aldacormierulv – March 08, 2023
Fisika Sekolah Menengah Atas 5. Seorang anak memanaskan air sebanyak 70 gram dari suhu 30 °C hingga mendidih. Jika kalor jenis air 1 kal/gr°C maka banyaknya kalor yang diserap hingga mendidih adalah..... (Tekanan 1 atm) a. 490 kal c. 4.900 kal b. 49.000 kal d. 490.000 kal aldacormierulv – March 08, 2023
Penjaskes Sekolah Menengah Pertama Usaha pembelaan dengan cara memindahkan sasaran dari arah serangan lawan dengan cara tidak melangkah tetapi dengan menggeser badan disebut... * aldacormierulv – March 07, 2023
PPKn Sekolah Menengah Pertama Uraikan pendapatmu dalam menyikapi pengaruh ideologi liberal dan komunis yang masuk ke indonesia! aldacormierulv – March 06, 2023